When my sister and I became stewards of High Acres Farm in 2016, we invited a group of mentors and friends to help us envision the best possible future for our land. The three-day Gathering was organized around a series of meals sited in different locations — including the shallow water of Lake Champlain, an open meadow under the stars, and a forested grove surrounded by maple trees.
The main advice that emerged was not to develop too much of a plan, but instead to follow an ‘unfolding process’ of always doing ‘the next clear thing’ and allowing the plan to reveal itself over time.
Participants included: Amanda & Jeff Herzberger, Catherine Despont, Charlotte Sullivan, Ethan Bond-Watts, Ida Benedetto, Jay Allison, Joanne DeLuca, John Bielenberg, Lily Piel, Marshall Webb, Max Schorr, Sep Kamvar, Stephen & Judith Selin. Meals were prepared by Linnea Phillips.